Nanotechnology and the quality of cosmetics in the 21st century.

Cosmetics of the 21st century change their dimension and, above all, quality.

Cosmetology begins to use more and more modern solutions. The laboratories use techniques of creating structures from which at least one of the designed dimensions does not exceed 100 nm. The use of nanotechnology in cosmetology can bring many benefits and help solve the problems women face today in the world.

The materials obtained in this small scale nano compared to conventional ones show much higher hardness and strength, as well as much greater hydrophilicity and, what is more important, much better biocompatibility. Research carried out in laboratory centers opens up new possibilities and solutions for the cosmetics industry, leading to the extension of a range of active ingredients with a specific range and properties, thanks to nanotechnology. The use of nanoparticles increases the effectiveness of cosmetics and their bioavailability. Noble metal nanoparticles, due to their biological activity, can replace the synthetic preservatives used in cosmetics so far. Many substances in the nano form exhibit new, interesting properties compared to those with larger particle diameters. Interesting applications were found in metal nanoparticles, mainly silver, gold and copper. Shredded preparations containing silver work to a large extent disinfecting, disinfecting
and bactericidal. Antimicrobial properties of silver nanoparticles result
from their small size and developed surface. This makes it extremely easy to penetrate them through biological membranes and penetrate into the interior of microorganisms, causing them to die. Copper nanopreparations have strong fungicidal activity.
Gold in the form of nano has a great ease to penetrate into the cells of the body
and it has a strong stimulating and regenerating effect on them.

The research conducted by the magazine Polish Journal of Cosmetology shows that cosmetic products based on nanoparticles improve the appearance of the skin and have a very positive effect on the well-being of many women
all over the world. As we know, science provides a wide range of possibilities, contributing to the revolutionary progress in many areas of research. Supporting modern technologies in the cosmetics industry is a source of new market opportunities. Many countries in the world have recognized nanotechnology as strategic and introduced into government programs. As a result, the number of cosmetology laboratories dealing with this subject has increased. Intensive research on nanoparticles may result in the future improvement of the quality and performance of products on the market, thus facilitating the lifestyle of demanding consumers.

The NANOVA team

Monday 26 February 2018


Tomasz Snopczyński, Katarzyna Góralczyk i inni, Nanotechnology – possibilities and hazards, Zakład Toksykologii Środowiskowej Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego –  Państwowy Zakład Higieny, Warszawa, ROCZN. PZH 2009, 60, Nr 2, 101 – 111.


Renata Wawrzaszek, Urszula Wawrzaszek, Nanotechnologia w kosmetologii, Wydawnictwo PRESS & MEDIA Redakcja Cabines,
nr 71.